Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Series: "My Dividend Portfolio Analysis"

Now that DividendPartisan has been in operation for over two months, I feel it is time to take an in depth look at my Dividend Income Portfolio.
         I would like to remind my readers that this is my actual 'real-life' portfolio; one that my wife and I have invested our hard-earned money into.  That said, it would be foolish not to take the necessary time to evaluate our current position and plan for the way ahead.  I welcome any comments or advice.

Thus begins my new series entitled, "My Dividend Portfolio Analysis."  Over the next few posts I will highlight what I believe to be my personal portfolio's strengths, its weaknesses, and any adjustments I plan to make in the near term.

In order to conduct a thorough analysis, but one that is also easy to understand, I will 'assess' my portfolio in 3 broad categories: Diversification, Dividends, and Risk.  Finally, I will assign an overall 'grade' to each individual section, and then at the end of the series I will provide an 'Overall Portfolio Grade' as well.  Disclaimer - Since I will be assigning the grades, they may be slightly higher than what they deserve.  I will do my best not to be too biased.  Keep me honest!

The first post of this series will be next Thursday, 24 March with subsequent posts coming each Thursday afterwards.

Finally, I plan to do a similar 'portfolio assessment' once a quarter.   With my current trading frequency at about once a month, I believe a review similar to this one once a quarter will suffice.

Thanks for reading,



  1. DivMantra/INQ, thanks for the encouragement. Looking forward to getting some feedback from some fellow investors!

