Monday, October 3, 2011

Monthly Progress Review: September

Since I was gone for the past month, it is time now to catch up on my Monthly Progress Review.

Listed below is a summary of the dividends I received, as well as the purchases I made for the month of September in my Dividend Income Portfolio:

Dividends Received
*JNJ - $47.08
*PEP - $24.05
*O - $21.74
*SO - $30.36
*WM - $36.64
*WMT - $14.70

Therefore for the month of September my dividend income total was $174.57.

This is the highest monthly total I have ever received in my dividend income portfolio. What a blessing! 

As I mentioned several articles ago, I most likely will not be making any more purchases this year.  I need to focus on both rebalancing and also putting capital towards other requirements my wife and I have.  As a result, I made no new purchases in September in my dividend income portfolio.  We'll see what happens next month!

Finally, with the addition of September's dividends to my Progress Tab, I achieved another exciting feat this month - I have now more than doubled the amount of dividends received in 2010 ($512) with a new yearly total of  $1,175.70.  Praise the Lord!

Well, that's all for now.  As always, I appreciate your thoughts and insight.

Thanks for reading. 


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  1. Congratulations on the success!
    I'm only at a ~$450 yearly total, but I can already see how awesome this type of investing is!
    Here's to hoping that we are both able to double our totals by this time next year!

  2. Jack and AJ,

    Thanks for the comments. Keep up the progress Jack...every bit counts!

    Stay in touch,


  3. Partisan,

    Great progress as always. I'm doing my best to catch up!

    Best wishes!

  4. Hi there,

    Can I possibly ask you two questions:
    - How much have you got invested to get 1, 175.70?
    - How much time have you invested to achieve the results?

    For me it looks like a good result, but wouldn't you achieve the same somewhere else, like your day job or some side income?

  5. Hi DP,

    I am going to start a US dividend portfolio soon too.^^

    Congrats on ur progress!

  6. Well done DP, it looks like your portfolio, returns wise, is about where I plan on mind being in another 6-12 months. I'll be looking over your shoulder to see if I can pick up some good ideas!

  7. Hey all,

    Sorry I was in Missouri for about 4 days or so..I'll respond to each comment now.. :)

  8. Financial Independence,

    As for your first question, use my portfolio's yield and annual dividend amount (about $2K) to determine a total portfolio amount estimate. For the second question, I've been dividend investing since the start of January 2010. Keep in touch,


  9. Dividends for the long run,

    Great meeting you. I noticed we're relatively close in age. I've been deployed hard over there. Get after it and keep in touch. I can be reached at

  10. hi,
    good going.
    welcome back. you still get visitors after being out for a month. need to take some tips from you.

    any goals for next 10 years?

