Friday, April 29, 2011

Weekend Reading, Poll Results, and New Poll Question

Listed below are the results from DividendPartisan's poll question: Which stock is the BEST buy right now? (ABT, JNJ, MCD, PG, WMT) as well as some of the best investing articles from around the web for this past week.

Finally, I also announce an interesting new poll question that will run for the entire month of May.

Many investors now realize that the easy value picks are much harder to find in today's market than a year ago.  As a result, I decided to get your thoughts on what you thought best pick was right now and 48 people responded:

Winner - ABT with 31% of the vote
2nd Place - JNJ with 29%
3rd Place - MCD with 21%
4th Place - PG with 10%
Last - WMT with 8%

That said, I think we all could benefit if you commented why you voted the way you did below.  Take a few seconds and share why you picked what you did.  I personally voted for ABT, but bought more PG and WMT this month (which I will discuss in detail in a few days...but to give it away a little early..) So, on one hand I voted for the winner, but then bought 4th and 5th place.  Interesting.. :)

Transitioning, listed below are some great articles from around the web from this week:

DividendGuyBlog - 7 Deadly Sins of Investments - 7 Common Investor Mistakes

DividendMonk - Step 4: Socially Responsible Investing

DividendGrowthInvestor - Highest Yielding Dividend Stocks of the S&P 500

ThePassiveIncomeEarner - Dividend Yield: Telus Corporation

DividendMantra - Kimberly Clark: Is it a Solid Pick?

Now for the new Poll Question, which will start tonight:

Where will the Dow end by May 31st?
   1) Lower than 12500
   2) Between 12500 and 12700
   3) Between 12700 and 1300
   4) Greater than 13000

In the past five days it went from 12500 to 12800 and is currently at 12810.  Where do you think it will end up?? Vote now.

Thanks for reading,


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  1. One note, I would have bought more ABT (the poll winner) if it already wasn't 13% of my portfolio. Looking forward to your comments..

  2. Partisan,

    Thanks for the mention!

    As for the poll I'm surprised WMT didn't receive more votes. It's not sexy..that's for sure.

    I'll have to vote in the other poll. Hard to predict the market, I would have thought we'd see some profit taking by now..but we haven't.
