I will provide more detailed goals, as well as progress updates, through individual postings (on a monthly and quarterly basis). The number in parenthesis is my age for the corresponding year.
2011 Income Investing Goals (25)
1st Goal: $2000 Annualized Income
2012 Income Investing Goals (26)
1st Goal: $3000 Annualized Income
2nd Goal: 4 New stocks added to Portfolio
2013 Income Investing Goals (27)
1st Goal: $4000 Annualized Income
2nd Goal: 3 New stocks added to Portfolio
2014 Income Investing Goals (28)
1st Goal: $5000 Annualized Income
2nd Goal: 3 New stocks added to Portfolio
2015 Income Investing Goals (29)
1st Goal: $6000 Annualized Income
2nd Goal: 2 New stocks added to Portfolio
2016 Income Investing Goals (30)
1st Goal: $10,000 Annualized Income
2nd Goal: 2 New stocks added to Portfolio
2021 Income Investing Goals (35)
1st Goal: $20,000 Annualized Income
Finally, I'd like to have a portfolio of 30-40 stocks by the time I reach 35 (hence adding a few new positions each year).
We'll see how it goes. A wise man once said "Many are the plans of a man's heart, but it is the Lord who determines his steps." In any case, here's to an exciting ride,
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to have goals written down. It seems tp me that at 4% current yield, you would need to have a $50K dividend portfolio by the end of 2011 in order to make $2K in annual dividend income. Then it seems that you simply need to keep adding $25K year ( about $2K/month) in dividend stocks for the next few years.
I only do not understand however how you are going to get from $6K in annualized dividend income in 2015 to $10K in dividend income in 2016? That would be the equivalent of investing $100K. Even if dividends grow by 10% in 2016, that would only account for $600 of the distribution increase.
Other than that, I would love to read your updates on hitting major dividend income milestones. Do you keep a chart of your dividend income? I keep one on my computer and look at it daily for motivation and inspiration.
Best Regards,
Dividend Growth Investor
DGI, I came close believe it or not! :), Hit $8900. See at my new blog: passiveincomedude.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. Knowing that you even visited my site is an honor! ;) I read your site frequently and look to you as an unofficial dividend investment mentor of mine; so thank you again for the note.
To be honest, I read your comment from my phone at work, and got a little worried that my math was incorrect. Fortunately, I checked the numbers when I got home and learned that my plan (at least for now) is in fact correct. I have a 'monthly additions plan' in place that will allow me to achieve the goals I published above; though you are right, it will be difficult.
Without going into all the details, a partial explanation is that I hope to beat the goals leading up to 2015 and therefore do not have such a large jump into 2016. Another few more quantitative notes - hopefully my wife will be working full time at that point and we can invest some of her salary, and finally, that should be the around the time I get promoted again in the Army.
As to your question, I do keep a chart monitoring my dividend income, monthly additions, and goals. I am doing my best to not let this particular passion crowd out other passions though! :)
Looking forward to keeping in touch, and any further discussion
Hi DP,
ReplyDeleteOne more thing to the equation could be the fact that the dividend reinvestments could start paying off more dividends. How much percent of the increase every year are you forecasting in dividend reinvestments?
Great blog, i will be checking to see your thoughts and progress.
ReplyDeleteI am just starting out as well, unfortunately starting a little older than you, 43, but hope to get to a point where i have a mice little nestegg which will provide a comfortable retirment income.
good luck
ReplyDeleteGreat hearing from you. Looks like you're off to a great start with your website, well done.
Keep in touch, and don't hesitate to send me an email if you want to talk investing or building your website.. Take care