Sunday, July 10, 2016

I'm Back! 4.5 Years Later!

Now if only I could be as cool as The Terminator! 

All joking aside, it has been about 4 years since my last post on DividendPartisan.  I left without warning, I left without saying goodbye, I lost my domain name, and I really lost track of my dividend strategy with my forays into day trading and options trading.  So, and this is long, long overdue, but to my readers out there, I am sorry.  

With this post I wanted to let you know what has happened in my life over these past four years and to also let you know I have a new blog.  Yes, that is right. I am blogging again, and I intend to bring you great content, consistently, for years, and yes my passion for dividends is still extremely strong.  Though I also have added other 'passive income' ideas to my new site now.

One of the reasons why I stopped blogging in the first place was because everyone in 'my circle' - my family, my friends, and some of my co-workers even knew who I was as DividendPartisan.  This was awesome, but also challenging.  And as a result, it made it harder for me to be transparent with my readers.  I didn't particularly like sharing the more personal items about my finances and my dividend income on the internet, when I knew I had family and friends reading, which I think can make things uncomfortable for both sides.

As a result, I do not intend to promote my new blog at all to my family and friends.  This will let me be completely TRANSPARENTLY I like to call it.   I will be transparent, but anonymous. A beautiful harmony in one's journey to financial independence while maintaining humility and not creating drama.  Just a sharing of my story, transparent and anonymous. 

I'll share a quick example - one of the things that made so great was that he was completely open about his journey towards financial independence (and I'm very sorry to see him change this strategy, and I've kind of stopped following as a result).  But he used to share his income, his expenses, his challenges, and it was personal.  His readers loved it. I loved it.  And I want to be able to do the same with my new readers at my new blog.

So if you are interested to know about my new blog, and pick up with me again, I encourage you to email me at  I will let you know the new site address and share all of my new and consistent, great content there. Together we'll pursue financial independence and great investment decisions along the way.

Finally, without further ado, here are some highlights from my life over these last 4.5 years. A lot has happened:

1) I've moved three times, and purchased 3 homes!  I am now fully in the rental property real estate game.  Here is a picture of one of the homes:

I talk a lot about these purchases, and their cash flow, on my new site.  Real Estate is an incredible passive income investment!

2) I deployed to Afghanistan and fought again against terrorism, though this time was mostly about supporting our departure from the area.  Always remember those serving our country though (both in the military and the police, etc!).  Here is where I served this time:

3) God has blessed my wife and I with two wonderful kids.  Here is a picture of one:

My second baby boy was born at over 10 pounds! A tank of baby!

4) I attended Duke University to get my MBA.  Fuqua is an incredible business school.  Go Duke!

And for all of my UNC readers out there (sorry!)...2015 National champs!:

I think those are the major highlights for now.  I hope you all reach out to me at if you are interested in getting my new website address.   Please do and I will be sure to email you the address!

Take care, thank you for reading, and I hope to see you at my new site,

Dividend Partisan

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