Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let the Day Trading Begin...

I know, I know.  Many of you may be thinking.."Day Trading! Day Trading?!? What is a title like that even doing on a dividend investment site whose focus is quality, dividend growing companies!" :)

Nonetheless, I wanted to let my readers know that I have decided to begin actively day trading as a part of my investment strategy.

As the cartoon above suggestions, sometimes day trading can take over one's life.  My response - fortunately I don't have kids at this point! :). Just kidding.  Though I don't have kids, I do not have the time, nor do I want the addition of this strategy to unbalance my priorities.

I do believe, however, that I have a solid, relatively low risk strategy in place and I am anxious to get started.  I will begin this month, December 2011, and will continue as long as it makes sense to do so.

Since this site's focus is on dividend and value investing, I do not plan to dwell on this topic too much, but we will see what happens.  I have high hopes! 

For now, I will simply add a section to my 'Monthly Progress Results' articles with a specific category entitled 'Day Trading Results' where I will briefly highlight my profit (or loss!) for each particular month's day trading activity.

What do you think of this plan?

We'll see how this goes! Thanks for reading,


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  1. curious on what your daytrading strategy is

  2. You better know how to use a 15min chart :)

  3. It depends how one defines day trading. Many are not 24-hour or less in/out transactions. It means, for some, daily or more frequent monitoring of a list of pre-selected securities, bonds, or funds, and a willingness to buy or sell (perhaps including shorts) on any day where a short-term (day-week) profit opportunity is perceived.

  4. Can also consider what some call "buying dividends" (buy before ex-div date, sell shortly after). I did a bit of trading a few years ago, but one bad call, plus the transaction fees overall, ate all my profits (and more) from 3 months of trades, so I've largely abandoned that. Now I'm basically buy and hold until targets (+20%) or some others I'll hold still longer. (I'm 53 years old.)

  5. DP,

    I love day trading, but I only do it virtually (aka paper trading). Using real money is too emotional for me. Have you thought about paper trading to test out your strategy? I think it's the best way to avoid being completely wipe out.

  6. All,

    Thanks for the comments. I recently sold off some of my lower paying dividend holdings and made my first trade a few days ago. What a rush! I am behind in my articles, but wanted to at least respond to your comments. Though I love dividend investing, I believe I can earn more with this strategy. And with only one positive trade that has proved somewhat true thankfully. Still getting some accounts set up, so the 'plan' won't be in full swing until next week probably.. Take care,


  7. Robert,

    Without going into all of the details over 'comment', I have traded Ford a few times now, and AMR once.

    Take care!


  8. Partisan,

    I wish you luck man. It's definitely not for me. The only real "buy to sell" type moves I've made in my still-young investment career has been with RIG (after the Deepwater Horizon went down) and VZ (last summer and rode it up on the iPhone announcement). Although I made a couple years worth of dividends on RIG, the uncertainty of this type of investing do not suit my risk profile.

    Best wishes.
