If you are similar to the average American, you do not have time to read lengthy articles that are not of interest to you. You want valuable information, presented in a straightforward, to the point kind of way.
At the
DividendPartisan, I personally understand that (and want it myself), and try with each article to keep it short but also interesting and of value to you as a reader. That's why in my recent article on
where I feel the stock market is headed, for example, I gave three facts, a summary statement, and then left the rest up to those who would like to delve deeper a discussion format. I'm always willing to talk more in depth through comments and email, but won't write all of my thoughts in a 5000+word article.
As a result, I guarantee you now:
I will always do my best to keep my articles concise and to the point (and...worth the few minutes it takes to read them).
Transitioning now, as I mention above, if you are in fact similar to the average American, then one of your goals may very well be to reach $1 million dollars someday. Or if not that, then enough to retire. Or to help give back and bless others. Or to travel the world. Whatever passion or particular goal you may have, you probably also have some aspiration or dollar amount attached to it.
That said, the remainder of this article will provide you with
The Three Levers You'll Need to Pull in order to reach that destination. For this particular example, that $1 million dollars. Unfortunately for most of us though, according to research firm Spectrem Group,
only 7% of American households ever get their investment portfolio's to reach seven digits.
This article, however, will help give you the starting tools you'll need to get there. Chances are, you won't make it without them. But if you know them and apply them, your path to $1 million will be greatly improved.